Rulings and Interpretations from the SEO and KEO

Frequently Asked Questions of the SEO

Q. Who will sign the Eq. Waiver/roster?
A. An adult and a parent/guardian on behalf of a minor. It shall be done as such: Where the waiver says “Legal name”, write ” as parent/legal guardian on behalf of “, and then have the parent/guardian sign.

Q. When are signatures required?
A. At every SCA event/practice where horses are present and intended to used in equestrian activities. The Eq. Waiver/roster may be place at the entry gate of an event to ensure the collection of signatures for anyone who may become an activity participant by will or not. This is merely a convenience to the EqMIC and not an SCA policy.

Q. What constitutes and equestrian activity?
A. Where equidae (horses, ponies, minis, mules, donkeys and zebras) are present for their use in such, but not limited to, classes, tournaments, demos, carrousels, mounted security, mounted processionals & parades.

Q. Where shall these activities take place?
A. Anywhere the EqMIC has designated them to take place.

Q. What are designated areas?
A. Many areas can be considered such as, but not limited to, a modern arena, a cordoned area imitating an arena, an eq. camping or gathering area either cordoned off or not or a roadway being used for processionals.

Q. What is a barrier?
A. Barriers are, but not limited to, materials such as fencing, rope and leads, or can be visual such as the use of line of EqMarshals, parked vehicles or other obstacles.

If you have any questions about these interpretations please contact the Kingdom or the Society Equestrian Officer.