Photos and videos

Coming Soon!

If you have photos of East Kingdom Equestrians that adhere to the SCA and East Kingdom media policies, please feel free to send them to along with any necessary release forms.

The following links do not work yet, but will go to the old photos we have.

Panteria 2000 (Championships)

Panteria 2001 (Championships)
Panteria 2004
Panteria 2005
Midsummers Investiture
Midsummers 2004
Midsummers 2005 (Championships)
Glenn Lynn
Glenn Lynn 2001
Glenn Lynn 2004 (Championships)
Glenn Lynn (Jousting) 2005
Les Jeux
Les Jeux 2001
Les Juex 2002
Les Jeux 2003
Lex Jeux 2004
Misc Events
Beltane 2006
Gulf Wars X
Carolingia Investiture

Preview of Image Galleries when they are complete:

Beltane 2006


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